Friday, 20 May 2011

Figuring out the communication details?

Friday morning, and I still have not started packing (big suprise given my track record). I have about 3 more hours of work to get done for Pitch before I leave, and then I am going to Superstore to buy my survival kit!


Richard (the student mentioned in the last posting) also gave me a trick regarding the time difference between China and MST in Canada. Basically you take the time in Canada, add two hours and change the pm to am (or vice versa).  So...if it is 8:30am in Canada, it will be 10:30pm where I am. This is good and will work out OK in terms of communicating with Heather, Jordyn, Chad etc. etc. via Skype and E-mail.

Miranda (the other business instructor who is currently in China, and who has been teaching the first 5 weeks of "our" courses) said Skype works fine and that it is her main form of communicating with her family....however, she also said that only our college e-mail addresses will work. All other e-mails accounts are restricted, or unusable (NB: my college e-mail address is

I also understand that we have little to no access to Internet searches other words no Google (Google chose to exit the Chinese marketplace a year or two ago due to censorship issues....their corporate slogan is "Do No Evil".....which is interesting, given that they and Apple still seem to be trying to take over the world?).

Anyway, no gmail, hotmail fact, I doubt I can post directly into this blog, and might have to e-mail Chad and get him to type in postings.

Anyway, in summary, it appears that I will be relying on Skype and the college e-mail to communicate while I am gone.

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